Thursday, January 13, 2011

Finally, a Painting!

Sue, from PencilPix blog, has sort of been prodding me to get off my duff and post a new painting.  Well, I did a new watercolor this morning.  I always feel that I have so much to learn about watercolor and usually hesitate to post anything I paint in that medium.  But, I also feel that maybe some of you can either learn from my mistakes or give me a critique or tip that will help me learn this elusive medium! 

The mallow flowers are courtesy of MaLu at Paint My Photo, and I didn't come close to the rich colors of the original photo!  It's hopefully enough, however, to break the painting slump and if nothing else goes a long way toward helping me forget that it's winter outside!

C & C gratefully accepted!


Sue Clinker said...

It was very gentle prodding :-)

I admire anybody who can handle a paintbrush, especially as well as this. Its a beautiful start to the New Year

I wouldn't know if the colours are less rich than the ref but here in the UK Mallow (Lavatera) tends to be exactly this shade.

So not critique from me .. I love it

Jan said...

Thanks Sue! This was a quickie and I may need another layer of glazing but it's so easy to overwork watercolor (& this may already be at that point!) that I want to sit on it for a while.

I appreciate you stopping by when you're so busy - thanks for the comment!

Unknown said...

Hi Jan. Well done. this is really lovely and helps get you on your way with watercolor. Pretty flowers.
I have done a lot of watercolor in the past. I am also thinking of going back to it for a change.
Just a suggestion try going darker for the shadows under the flowers. you would be surprised how it will make the flower pop.
I have a step by step tutorial on watercolor flowers. I would be happy to send it to you.
I think it should be still on Lets Make Art. and in the archives somewhere on Drawspace. Let me know Jan. I can send you the tutorial my email if it would help you.

Jan said...

Thanks, Dors! I took your advice and did some darkening and may even need to do a bit more but I'll wait and see.

I've seen your tut at LMA and learned a lot from it but need to go see it again and refresh my memory!

Thanks for stopping by with your help! I appreciate it a lot.

Teresa said...

Jan - I clicked to enlarge the painting... and it's perfectly lovely! Can't see any reason why you'd hesitate to post your watercolor... they're beautiful.

Jan said...

Thanks, Teresa, the revised version is better, thanks to Dors. Now, let's see more or YOUR watercolors!