Thursday, July 14, 2011


 Well, darn!  I can't get the photos aligned right but maybe you can still get a sense of the closet off my studio.  I've finally gotten it somewhat organized, or at least to the point where I'm not too terribly embarrassed to show you photos of it.  This closet is about 8 feet deep and over 6 feet wide with a little niche that adds another 2 feet on one wall.  That niche is the perfect place to put the treadmill so the closet isn't strictly for my art supplies.

Unfortunately, because it's so big, it became the storage area for things we didn't know where else to put and got very messy and disorganized.  It still has to store a few sewing supplies, the treadmill and my saddle (not shown).  I plan to advertise my saddle though and hopefully will be able to sell it - do any of you need a nice Stubben saddle and other tack? lol

So, as you can see, I'm getting there with organization but still messing around with the placement of things in the studio.  I'm thinking of moving the desk that used to house my computer stuff into the closet and use it for a mat cutting area.  I don't think that would work though as the desk would have to sit out from the wall far enough to allow a full sheet of mat board to be cut and I don't think there's quite enough room for that.

As I said, still exploring the possibilities!


Unknown said...

Oh very nice Jan Love the photos and so organised.

Christine Perry | Graphite Art said...

What a great art closet you have Jan! How nice that the treadmill fit so perfectly in that corner. Now you just need a small TV up on that shelf to keep you entertained while walking on it. ;-)

Jan said...

lol, Dors! Not so organized at all but I really am getting there! Hope it's finished by the time you arrive!

Christine! It's so good to hear from you - the portrait you're doing is so beautiful (even if it is of a guy, it's still a beautiful portrait!) Unfortunately, if we had a tv on the shelf above the treadmill, I think we would get neck strain trying to see it! Plus, no cable out here and we don't have satellite so reception would be pretty bad.

Sue Clinker said...

Wonderfully tidy Jan ..... I'm very impressed lol.

We have an exercise bike in front of the TV in our lounge - it makes the time go a little faster if I watch the news or something whilst pedalling.

Jan said...

Welcome back, Sue! I hope you're all relaxed and refreshed from your holiday and ready to start showing us some of your beautiful art!

The fact that you have to face a blank wall is probably 95% of the reason the treadmill gets very little use! At least we can get to it now if we do want to use it! lol