Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thank You, Christine!

The internet is a wonderful place for meeting some terrific people.  One of those people is Christine from Fine Arts Graphite Portraits blog.

I was stunned yesterday when our mail carrier brought a package containing a portrait of my dear horse, Bonnie, who we lost about a year and a half ago.  Christine knew how much I loved Bonnie and how difficult it is for me to paint my own pets and sent me a graphite portrait of Bonnie just out of the blue! 

It's a gorgeous portrait that looks just like her and I cried when I saw it.

Christine, I know how busy you are with your new little boy and for you to take the time to draw my Bonnie means so much to me.  You did a wonderful job and I there just aren't enough words to thank you for your kindness.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Christine Perry | Graphite Art said...

Dear Jan, it was my great pleasure to do this for you! I am just so happy that you like the drawing and will get enjoyment out of it. Our pets are so precious to us, and are such a big part in our life's. I cannot even imagine the pain it must have caused you to loose your Bonnie who was with you for so long. You have shown kindness and given your friendship to me, so this is just a small token of my appreciation of you. Christine :)

Jan said...

Yes, it was difficult to lose Bonnie after over 20 years of having her with us. But your portrait of her was one of the most generous and kindest things anyone has ever done and will be a wonderful reminder of her. Thanks so much again, Christine!

Unknown said...

What a lovely generous gesture from Christine. She is so sweet. Love the drawing of Bonnie.
A real treasure to cherish. Hugs xx

Bulldog breeders in Nebraska said...

The blog is very nice.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

I couldn't agree with you more, Jan! And it's amazing how often we meet people from around the world who share our interests.

How blessed and excited you must have been to have received such a wonderful gift from Christine. I'm so happy for you that you now have such a beautiful memorial to your beloved Bonnie. ;)

Have a wonderful weekend!
Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

Jan said...

Doreen, it was a very generous gesture from Chris and very much a treasure to me. Some of the nicest people I know I've met via the internet - you and Nev included!

Thank you, Bulldog breeders.

Thank you for stopping by, Liz. I was curious so visited your blog which is just beautiful. And it's nice to find another North Carolinian on the internet too!